
Professional Employment & Skills


To apply my professional user interface design and programming skills for creative and collaborative employment.

Why Me?

My artistic and perfectionist approach to application design combined with my extensive skill set as a full stack web and mobile programmer, makes me a jack of all trades and a master of many. I'm a wizard with Photoshop, edit video, and dabble in music production, procedural generation, and video game development.


  • Full Stack Web Development

    • Twenty years of experience building web sites and web applications
    • Sixteen years of workplace experience in web engineering and design
    • Ability to architect and build robust PHP applications and API driven backends for frontends
    • Experience integrating with Amazon Web Services including S3, Lambda, SNS, Elastic Transcoder, and Elasticsearch
    • Ability to architect, create, and maintain efficient, well planned relational and NoSQL databases
    • Familiarity working with Docker containers and designing containers for local development
    • Git collaboration and version control
    • Comfortable navigating Linux systems, Apache, and Nginx web servers
    • Yeas of workplace experience designing responsive web and mobile application interfaces
    • User interface design, wireframing, and interactive prototyping
    • Website and mobile application design
    • Experience creating email compatible HTML & CSS templates and mailers
    • Ability to quickly learn new tasks, computer software, and programming languages
    • Very close attention to detail and product quality
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
    • Focused and dedicated team worker
  • Design

    • Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator wizard
    • Experience creating website & mobile application user interface designs
    • Experience building and documenting design systems
    • Concept wireframing and interactive prototyping
    • University studies in 2D design, color theory, technical drawing, graphic design, and mechanical drafting
    • Traditionally trained in illustration
    • Proficient with InDesign for desktop publishing and print media
  • Programming Languages

    • HTML5 & CSS3 Expert
    • HTML Canvas & SVG pro
    • Immaculate CSS / SCSS / LESS / PostCSS styling
    • JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, AngularJS, jQuery, & more
    • Experience with Node.js, Webpack, Vite, Next.js, & JavaScript build tooling
    • Experience building and working on custom PHP applications
    • PHP framework development including CakePHP, CodeIgniter, & Wordpress
    • PostgresSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis, & GraphQL database experience
    • Basic Objective-C


  1. Sorcerer (Senior Software Engineer)


    I'm currently working at SmugMug, Inc. as frontend web applications engineer in our "Sorcery" department and loving it. I'm completely dedicated to making SmugMug the best possible experience for pro and enthusiast photographers around the world.

    November 2015 to Present, Mountain View, CA / Remote

  2. Full Stack Web Application Developer & Designer

    Jabico Enterprises

    My position at Jabico Enterprises allowed me the opportunity to work as a full stack web developer. Daily I developed with PHP, PostgreSQL, AngularJS, and SCSS to build robust and scalable web applications for a variety of clients and internal projects. Additionally I filled the role of internal designer, working in Photoshop and Illustrator to create complete web and mobile site template and user interface designs.

    April 2012 to November 2015, Santa Cruz, CA

  3. Independent Contractor

    AJ Lemos Web & Graphic Design

    Independent web & graphic design contractor for a large number of clients from small to large businesses. As my client base expanded so did my skill set. I worked on several custom PHP websites, skinned web applications in CSS, advised clients on web technologies, and customized dozens of wordpress sites. During this time I was also part of the development team for All Together Now, a Ruby on Rails based project management application geared at web developers and freelancers.

    August 2011 to April 2012, Santa Cruz, CA

  4. Frontend Web Developer & Graphic Designer


    Web development experience at GrooveZoo, Inc., a single page XHR driven web based collaboration tool for musicians. Performed all CSS development, graphic design, print media design, user interface implementation, and quality assurance for the GrooveZoo social website. Assisted the web development teams with PHP, PostgreSQL database management, and JavaScript development in Ext JS.

    August 2010 to August 2011, Santa Cruz, CA

  5. Creative Art Director

    Keyfax NewMedia

    Designed websites from concept to creation working closely with a web programmer. Designed and implemented online advertisement campaigns, created print media, and managed over a dozen websites and online stores. Gained experience in web development, Flash animation, CSS programming, graphic design, and digital illustration.

    January 2010 to August 2010, Santa Cruz, CA

  6. Production Editor

    Learning in Motion

    Primary duties included desktop publishing and graphic design for educational productions. Worked in many mediums with a focus on Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Secondary duties included updating websites and maintaining web, email, database, and shared storage servers.

    July 2008 to January 2010, Santa Cruz, CA

  7. Instructional Computing Lab Consultant

    University of California Santa Cruz

    Facilitated UC classes and maintained computer labs. Tutored students on Mac and PC computers with a variety of programs including but not limited to Adobe Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. Also assisted students writing HTML and CSS for class assignments, executing terminal commands on the Mac, and Microsoft Office skills.

    2007, Santa Cruz, CA

  8. Sound Recording and Electronic Music Tutor

    Santa Barbara City College

    Tutored students in recording techniques and Digital Audio Workstations such as Digidesign Pro Tools, Steinberg Cubase, Logic, & Reason. Assisted students with audio hardware and MIDI interfaces, mixing boards, reverb & compressor rack units and microphone techniques for acoustic instruments, amplified instruments, and drums. Engineered top of house mixing board at the live Sonic Sequences show at SBCC in Fall 2005. Engineered light board for the show in Spring 2006.

    2005 - 2006, Santa Barbara, CA


  1. Bachelor of Arts in Film and Digital Media, Concentration in Production

    University of California Santa Cruz

    2006 - 2008, Santa Cruz, CA

  2. Santa Barbara City College

    President's Honor Roll
    National Deans List

    2004 - 2006, Santa Barbara, CA

Excellent references and numerous letters of recommedation available upon request.

Contact AJ Lemos at

Or Connect with me on LinkedIn